Saturday 17 October 2009

28th September 2009

Fresher’s Week!

I’m almost at bursting point about how excited I am about Uni. Every random person I meet has to endure a 10 second, high pitched shrill about how I’m off to Uni and how awesome it’s going to be! Of course by about the third week of daily lectures, numerous assignments and constant commuting I’m sure the enthusiasm will wear off, but for now I love every second.

Small outbursts aside - I think I have managed to control myself reasonably well…until the fresher’s fair! This is where most Portsmouth companies come and practically give their products away! OK...I admit most of it was junk and ended up in the bin, since these things are aimed at younger students: for example I don’t think I need to call up BSM for their discount on driving lessons, since I’ve had a licence for the best part of ten years. And, as much as it pains me to say, I won’t be attending the pubs and clubs for their student discount nights. Although I am quite curious as to what “spank the student” at the Aussie bar is all about? But I will resist for now and happily enjoy only taking advantage of the incredibly cheap alcohol in the student union through the day for now! I’m sure once I found a few younger student friends I may be tempted out? But it is a bit overwhelming being surrounded by young students who are living the care-free and no attachments life.

At least I’m not alone as a mature student since my friend and former rival (friendly) on the Biology course at Highbury is taking the same course. And I have spied the odd older looking face in among the crowds of welcome lectures.

Wandering around the fair as two mature students is such a surreal experience, but hilariously funny. Most of them didn’t believe we are students or you get handed something like blue wrist bands and a packet which contains a condom to help prevent sexually transmitted infections! What kind of dirty old women do they think we are!?
My girls were especially happy when I returned home with my bags of goodies, not because they were pleased to see me, but because they spotted the lollipops in the bags.

So excitement over it’s straight into it on Monday, a full day of lectures…I can’t wait! No really!!

Tuesday 22 September 2009

21st September 2009

One week to go!

Warning – This week has horrific scenes of geekiness, possibly never seen before!

Now you have been warned I am no longer liable for uncontrollable laughter leading to wetting yourself.

Having received the time-table for the first semester (Sept-Dec 09) this week has begun as a small frenzy of activity. I have re-typed the time-table into excel so that I am able to work out when and where, minute by minute, I am supposed to be every day, which has been printed off, week per page, and glued into my diary along with a map of the campus glued into the back of the diary. I have also worked out the girl’s childcare and school times minute by minute.

My book bag has been filled with a folder of lined, plain and graph paper, along with a pencil case full of three blue pens, three black pens, two red pens, three pencils, a sharpener, an eraser, a ruler, coloured pencils and a calculator

I have had to tape my finger nails up to stop biting them and I’ve had to change my pacing spot in the lounge having worn through the floor in the first area. And I’m not going to go into detail with the numbers of times I have visited the toilet lately – it’s going to be hell in the bathroom by Monday!

Next week is the introduction week Yipeeeee!!

Tuesday 15 September 2009

14th September 2009

Welcome to my second blog* “Diary of an Immature Mature Student. This one is solely for my time as a “mature” student while studying Biology at Portsmouth University and will be a weekly update on happenings throughout.

I anticipate it to be full of hilarious antics, exciting moments and interesting facts, but no doubt it will turn into embarrassing antics, awkward moments and fictional facts, full of spelling errors and appalling grammar, either way at least I know there will be one person who will find it amusing….me!
So here it goes...

*I haven’t kept the first one (Time Travelers Wife) up to date, the last post being in May 09! So where I’m going to find the time to update a second one is still a mystery to me?