Tuesday 22 September 2009

21st September 2009

One week to go!

Warning – This week has horrific scenes of geekiness, possibly never seen before!

Now you have been warned I am no longer liable for uncontrollable laughter leading to wetting yourself.

Having received the time-table for the first semester (Sept-Dec 09) this week has begun as a small frenzy of activity. I have re-typed the time-table into excel so that I am able to work out when and where, minute by minute, I am supposed to be every day, which has been printed off, week per page, and glued into my diary along with a map of the campus glued into the back of the diary. I have also worked out the girl’s childcare and school times minute by minute.

My book bag has been filled with a folder of lined, plain and graph paper, along with a pencil case full of three blue pens, three black pens, two red pens, three pencils, a sharpener, an eraser, a ruler, coloured pencils and a calculator

I have had to tape my finger nails up to stop biting them and I’ve had to change my pacing spot in the lounge having worn through the floor in the first area. And I’m not going to go into detail with the numbers of times I have visited the toilet lately – it’s going to be hell in the bathroom by Monday!

Next week is the introduction week Yipeeeee!!


  1. you forgot your USB stick and sparkly Lanyard for your student ID card. Good luck!

  2. Oh my gosh!..A USB stick how stupid of me to forget :-D

    Freshers weeks this week - came home on Wednesday with bags full of freebies - I'm just loving being a ("mature") student!
